
Welsh Language Certification

Rydyn ni'n siarad eich iaith - We speak your language.

Lidl Is The First Supermarket To Achieve The Prestigious Cynnig Cymraeg Certification

We are proud to become the first supermarket to achieve the prestigious Cynnig Cymraeg certification from the Welsh Language Commissioner.

At Lidl we are committed to Welsh culture and heritage and have been working hard to support the roll-out and inclusion of the Welsh language in our 55 stores in Wales. This certification recognises Lidl’s ongoing commitment to the cause.

The Cynnig Cymraeg scheme was developed by the Welsh Language Commissioner to officially recognise businesses with a clear plan for providing and protecting Welsh language services. It supports the Commissioner’s long-term plan to ensure people can use the Welsh language in all aspects of their lives, in all parts of Wales.

What you'll find in Welsh stores

We’ve rolled out Welsh language services across all aspects of our business in Wales, including:

· Dual language signage

· In store announcements

· Colleague name badges

· Customer service helplines and written communications

· Packaging on all local Welsh produce

· Self-service checkouts

· Relevant social media updates

We're Big On Welsh

At Lidl we’re Big On bringing you the freshest locally sourced produce, and have launched a new range of Welsh beef products, as part of our commitment to supporting local farmers. Working directly with 130 farms and farming families across Wales, the range is fully traceable from field to store; enabling Welsh shoppers to enjoy beef that is locally reared and of the highest quality. This status is further recognized by the meat’s Protected Geographical Indication (PGI) mark.

Our Welsh range includes 70 products spanning delicious dairy, home-grown meats and sweet treats. You can get a flavour of what we offer here.

We’re passionate about the communities in which we operate and will continue to seek out ways in which we can support the Welsh language, which is such an important part of our communities’ identity and heritage.