Coupon Plus
What is Coupon Plus?
Coupon Plus is another way to save with Lidl Plus. Each Coupon Plus lasts for one calendar month, and you can earn bonus coupons when you reach certain spend targets. Scan your Lidl Plus card at the till every time you shop and your qualifying spend will be added to your Coupon Plus monthly running total. Please see the Terms of Use for full terms.
What happens when I reach a Coupon Plus target?
Your coupon reward will be sent directly to the ‘Coupons’ section of your app after reaching a spend target. Make sure you check the date on your coupon, as you have 7 days after the date of receipt to use it. See individual coupon for details.
Can I carry over my Coupon Plus monthly spend?
No, each Coupon Plus lasts for one calendar month only. Your monthly spend cannot be carried over to the next month.
What happens if I return an item?
The value of any returns or refunds will be deducted from your Coupon Plus monthly qualifying spend.
*18+, personal use only. Mobile number & email address required. T&Cs & Privacy Notice apply. Provided by Lidl Stiftung & Co. KG, Stiftsbergstraße 1, 74167 Neckarsulm, Germany.